MCK - Mazembe Official Partner
Established in 2011.
Activity : mining and civil engineering sub-contractor.
Founders : Moïse KATUMBI and Kenneth MCLEOD.
Legal status : SPRL (private limited liability company) ruled by Congolese law.
Employees : over one thousand.
That is the business card of MCK TRUCKS, Tout Puissant Mazembe’s main sponsor. A business on the up and up whose 3 letter acronym adorns the shirts of the world vice-champions.
The Lubumbashi-based company sells its services in the field of mining, mainly for excavations (boring, mining, loading…) with an annual average of 15 million cubic metres. To accomplish this, it has invested several million dollars in a range of equipment classified as being among the biggest in the country, from diggers (up to 19 tonnes) to sprinkler vehicles and dump trucks with 25 to 100 tonne capacity, drilling machines backed up by earth movers, including graders, bulldozers, fillers and bucket loaders, etc. This stock of machines is getting larger with time.
Management: over 60 % of the management is Congolese
MCK TRUCKS has not stopped growing over the decade, widening its activity base to civil engineering work such as the construction of factory waste discharge basins, platform construction and repair and maintenance of public and farm roads.
Many worksites keep the company occupied and more than 60% of the managers supervising its everyday management are Congolese. Among the biggest projects between 2000 and 2008 were the the OPEN CAST MINE, KAMOTO underground mine, KAKONTWE (CCC) Aggregate and Lime Quarry, KANFUNDWE open-air mine and KAMOYA, on behalf of Gécamines. The MBUJI MAYI diamond mine on behalf of ORYX Natural Resources from 2003 to 2004, then DIKULUSHI Copper Mine on behalf of ANWIL Mining from 2004 to 2007 as well as Metorex’s RUSHI Mining, TENKE Fungurume Mining for Freeport McMoran and CHEMAF on behalf of SHALINA Group, amongst others.
A heavy involvement in the province
MCK TRUCKS is committed to taking on a social role in relation to the local populations. It builds hospitals, schools and water wells in rural communities and offers considerable support in the field of agriculture. Its partnership with TP Mazembe team is the concrete expression of its involvement in the sector of sport.